Thursday, 27 February 2020

Stir sticks

Up till now i have been making my own stir sticks for epoxy out of scrap wood or plywood. They were always either too few or too feeble, or nowhere to be found... I was also always running out of sticks/spoons/whathaveyou for making fillets and scooping up squeezeout. No more, I say. I ordered a batch of large paint stir sticks and small pop-sickle sticks for making tiny fillets. A batch of larger ones (for larger fillets) is on it's way. All I have to say here is: don't skimp on stir sticks or it will drive you crazy! (and don't wait until this far in the build with that).

Other tips include: do get yourself a lot of paper cups for mixing smaller quantities (plastic ones break too easily). Larger quantities of epoxy I mix in plastic paint trays using putty knives, usually metal ones. Cured epoxy cleans off of them quite easily.
Happy mixing!

The tent is back

Finally the workshop stands again. After a lot of busywork and other projects I finally managed (with some help) to prep a place for the ten...